今年も、Olio Nuovo Days で入賞しました


2015年から毎年フランス・パリにて開催されている『Olio Nuovo Days』にて2020年産のタジャスカ種100%のオリーブオイルが、 『SPECIAL PRIZE NORTH HEMISPHERE』北半球特別賞を受賞しました。

例年、パリ市内のレストランやパン・ケーキショップ、こだわりの食材店などに繰り出して世界中から集められた、その年のオリーブオイルをテーマに沿って料理や試飲を楽しむイベントですが、今年はコロナウイルス感染症の影響のためオリーブオイルコンテストのみリモートにて開催されました。UAEアブダビにある出版社SHAWATI’ MAGAZINE’S FAVOURITE AwardsとKids Choice awardsが新しく始まりました。

今年は、タジャスカ種100%、ルッカ種100%、フラントイオ種100%のオリーブオイルを出品しました。このあと、3月には『Kids Choice awards』の発表があり、子供たちの評価に入賞できるか吉報を楽しみに待つことにします。


農夫 高尾豊弘

TAKAO Wins Prize at OLIO NUOVO DAYS 2021

The bush warblers have started singing in the olive groves, heralding the approach of spring. Some days are still chilly, but the weather is definitely getting warmer.

At the 6th OLIO NUOVO DAYS, a competition held in Paris (France) every year since 2015, TAKAO Taggiasca 100% Olive Oil produced in 2020 won the SPECIAL PRIZE NORTH HEMISPHERE.

In the past, tasting events themed on the year’s olive oils from all over the world have been held annually at restaurants, bakeries, confectioners and select food shops across Paris, but this year, due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, only the olive oil contest was held remotely. This year two new awards were added to the line-up, SHAWATI’ MAGAZINE’S FAVOURITE Awards and KIDS CHOICE Awards.

This year, we entered 100% Taggiasca, 100% Lucca and 100% Frantoio olive oils. The KIDS CHOICE Awards will be announced in March and we look forward to hearing that we have been highly rated by children too.

Simply put, making high-quality olive oil is about how to cultivate the best bruise-free olives and how to maintain their freshness from picking to bottling, but every step of the process requires painstaking care and precision. To ensure that the olives we harvest this autumn will produce the highest quality olive oil, we are giving the olives our full attention daily.

Toyohiro Takao, Olive Grower
